We need your help - become a member.
By becoming a member you will be playing a huge part in keeping the church open.
- We need direction from the community – are we on the right path?
- We need to demonstrate the support of our community – this is a great way of showing it.
- We can demonstrate support to funding groups – it helps us get money to repair the church.
What do I get for being a member?
- Our thanks for helping in the fight to preserve St Madoc’s.
- A newsletter to keep in touch with what we are doing.
- An invite to our AGM and to meetings where important issues are raised and discussed.
- The right to vote for Trustees and key officers (Chair, Treasurer, Secretary) at AGM and on key issues at any general (member) meeting.
- The right to call a general (member) meeting if you are worried about the charity.
- The right to stand for election (or adoption) as a trustee.
What am I committing to by becoming a member?
- You are committing to very little – just receiving some newsletters and meeting invites.
On the other hand, what if I want to do more?
- Please get involved as much as you can – come along to meetings and events.
- Volunteer to help with activities, events, fund raising, maintenance and tidying.
- Take on some admin functions and help out on the committee managing the charity.
- Become a trustee and help make decisions on how to preserve and run the church.
Can anyone become a member?
Everyone who wants to further the purpose of the Community Group, which is:
The preservation for the public benefit of St Madoc of Ferns Church (St Madoc’s), a medieval church and site of local and historic interest, thereby helping to ensure the continued use of the church as a place of worship, and to educate the public in its history and heritage.
Why is it only £1.00 for membership?
- We want to include as many people as possible. A small payment discourages ‘bots’ for signing up online or spamming us with emails.
- We may increase the membership fee in the future, but only if agreed by the members at an Annual General Meeting.
- If you would like to give more, we are very grateful for one-off donations (link here).
- We are particularly grateful to our sponsors who regularly donate an amount through standing orders (email info@stmadocofferns.wales for more details).
Are the rules around membership described in minute detail anywhere?
Why yes – the constitution has all of this and more.
To join, please complete the form below (care will be taken with your data your details will not be shared outside of the charity – see our privacy policy).
You will then need to make payment (just £1 ) to complete your application.
Paying the Membership Fees
Please pay your £1.00 membership fee and any additional donation that you wish to make either through bank transfer:
- Name on account – St Madoc of Ferns Community Group
- Sort Code – 30 99 50
- Account number – 68103468
- Reference: Membership
Or alternatively our membership and donations site (click below):
Gift aid - change of circumstances
If you have selected to gift aid your donations, please notify us if you:
- Want to cancel your gift aid
- Change your name or home address
- No longer pay sufficient tax on your income tax or capital gains tax.