About us
Who are we?
We are a group of former parishioners, local history enthusiasts and local people, who have the intention of leasing and reopening the church building to the public. We are open to anyone who shares our charitable purpose (our mission) to become a supporter, member, sponsor or stand as a trustee.
What have we done so far?
- Created the St Madoc of Ferns Community Group, agreed a constitution and an initial group of seven trustees. The constitution is based on the Charity Commission’s Association Model (it has a membership that can vote for trustees and on important matters). You can read the constitution below.
- Held 10 public meetings and conducted 3 surveys to report progress and seek community ideas and support. Produced a social impact assessment that has been the basis for working and collaborating with other community groups.
- Registered with the Charity Commission as a Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO), number 1204104 and opened a charity bank account.
- Held a number of successful fund-raising events, greeted two pilgrimage groups and taken part in the Cadw Open Doors scheme in September ‘23.
- Received advice, support, and a feasibility grant from the Benefact Trust (administered by the Plunkett Foundation). This has helped us to estimate repair costs and develop our business plan.
What are we doing now?
- Attracting members to support our aims and finding sponsors whose generosity will cover day to day running costs.
- Refining our business plan and testing that it is viable.
- Negotiating a long-term lease on the church.
- Holding community fundraising events and applying for grants to help meet the cost of initial repairs.
What do we hope to do in 2024?
- Stop the Rot – carry out repairs that prevent entry of water to the building and halt further decline.
- Re-open the Church to visitors for a minimum of April to September during daylight hours (or by appointment through the winter months) and install a permanent display of local history and culture.
- Hold six church services a year and organise or host pilgrim visits.
- Collaborate with local community groups that could use the peaceful environment of the church.
What do we hope to do after that?
- Make further repairs and work towards installing mains water, a toilet and kitchenette.
- Create and show new exhibitions of local history and culture.
- Hold relevant art/craft exhibitions and make use of the acoustics for choral & musical events.
- Hold community activities, engaging with schools and colleges.
- Offer private rental of the space to musical and cultural groups sympathetic to the nature of the building.
- Investigate becoming a Sanctuary church (in collaboration with the British Pilgrimage Trust).

Mission / Charitable Objective
The Preservation, for the public benefit, of St. Madoc of Ferns Church (St. Madoc’s) a medieval church and site of local and historic interest, thereby helping to ensure the continued use of the church as a place of worship and to educate the public in its history and heritage. Click on the image on the right to read our whole constitution.