As we get closer to agreeing a lease for St Madoc’s, Haroldston West, we are ramping up our fund raising to pay for running costs and essential repairs. Please support us and come along to what I am sure will be a very enjoyable series of events. Our first event is the very popular Cheese and Wine evening with Quiz – only two weeks away on Tuesday 6th August.
Tuesday 6th August: Cheese & Wine Evening with the Peter Connell Memorial Quiz at the Bowen Memorial Hall, Little Haven. Doors opening at 6:30pm. Don’t worry if you don’t have a quiz team as lots of others will be looking to band together. Tickets £10.
Tuesday 20th – Thursday 22nd August: The Way We Were – a Havens History Group Exhibition with additional activities and talks at the Bowen Memorial Hall, Little Haven. More details soon.
Saturday 21st – Sunday 22nd September: Cadw Open Doors at St Madoc’s, Haroldston West. We are pleased, and honoured, to take part once again in this heritage event, organised in Wales by Cadw. An opportunity to open up the church, present some history and enjoy additional musical and natural history activities.
I hope that you can join us, starting with the Cheese and Wine Evening below: