19:00 on Weds 15th May 2024 @ Little Haven Hall
The Saint Madoc of Ferns Community Group (Reg. Charity 1204104) are pleased to invite you to our first Annual General Meeting (AGM). We will look back at our first year as a registered charity, review our finances, and our plans for preserving St Madoc’s Haroldston West. We will elect the trustees and officers of the charity, discuss any proposed changes to the constitution or the way we work, and how you can get involved.
If you would like to become a trustee (we encourage you to do so) or you have a topic we should discuss / resolution to propose, then please let us know by 12:00 BST on 12th May 2024 (email info@stmadocofferns.wales).

We will have more information about being a trustee, the election process for trustees and officers, and submitting a resolution on the AGM 2024 page of our website from Sunday 21st April, and a revised agenda with a full list of resolutions by 21:00 on 12th May.
We do hope that you will come along.